The Browncoats themselves are also charitably-minded people. Many fan groups have shown us this side of themselves by doing such things as collecting coats for the needy, raising funds for the Salvation Army after Hurricane Katrina and participating in the annual Can’t Stop the Serenity screenings for the international charity Equality Now. Our group aims to help our fellow fans make a difference in the world we live in.
Lynelle Miliate-Ha
Christina Ives
Joshua Carter
Kimberly Hawksworth
Andrew Ha
Mission Statement - Our mission is to promote the fandom of Firefly and Serenity and the other projects of its cast and crew through charitable works.
California Browncoats, Inc. is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit charity in the state of California. We host booths at various California conventions and events where we raise money for a charity that is usually selected by one of the cast or crew of Firefly or Serenity. Through these endeavors we hope to raise the awareness of not only our favorite television show and movie but also of those charities we support. We were founded by four dedicated fans who had participated in local charity events through the fandom in the past and who hope that together we can do great things.
Firefly was a short-lived television series created by Joss Whedon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Dollhouse, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) for Fox network in 2002. Unfortunately only 14 episodes were ever filmed before Fox pulled the plug, with only 11 of those episodes ever being aired. Fan support for this show was enormous and they rallied together to pressure Fox to release the show on DVD, including the unaired episodes. Recognizing the potential in such a mega-selling program, Universal Pictures opted to produce a movie based on the series. In September of 2005, the movie Serenity was released.
Local California fan groups found their numbers increasing dramatically as fans were drawn to the television series from having seen the movie. The fandom is still alive and active throughout the world where its members participate in events such as Firefly/Serenity conventions, Can't Stop the Serenity, and the annual Browncoat Ball, which is based loosely on the episode “Shindig”. The occasion of one of the stars of the show, be it cast or crew, at a convention or other event usually elicit a large Browncoat turnout and a new show featuring one of the actors already has a built-in following.