It’s that time of year! We’re breaking atmo next week at San Diego Comic-Con, supporting charity and the Browncoat Fandom with all kinds of events and new merch!

We will be in our usual spot - A-07/A-08 in the back of Hall A (with Fandom Charities/Hellmouth Events right behind so you can make your stop a twofer) and this time we’re supporting Engineers Without Borders, chosen for us by BDH Jewel Staite! If you aren’t familiar with this charity, they support communities in crisis, work to provide necessary infrastructure and to create better solutions for a more just, sustainable and equitable world.

Before we get into the events and merch, have you ever thought about volunteering at the booth? Shifts can be as little as 1 hour, and can be a great way to give back to the Browncoat community. Plus, we have really good snacks. And chairs. And a place to just be out of the crowds and press of people. Don’t like talking to people? No problem - we have a job for the introverts, just let us know! You can fill out our form here (Don’t forget, you have to have your own badge to the con, we can’t provide one for you, sorry!)
We’re honoring the life of Firefly costume designer Shawna Trpcic with several events: A panel on Thursday, where we’ve gathered some of her longtime friends, peers and cosplayers to share stories about what made Shawna absolutely unique among costume designers. Bring tissues. IMMEDIATELY after the panel, we are having a cosplay meet up in the hall outside the panel - Costume Designers Guild members will be on hand to award prizes for the best dressed! We will be taking a group photo as well, showcasing the impact that Shawna had on the world of cosplay. Browncoat Meeting Room, 7/25/24, 2-3pm, Grand 10 & 11, Marriott Marquis.

We are also having a Browncoat Family Photo featuring our Jayne Hats, one of the many iconic creations Shawna designed for Firefly. Please wear yours and show up on the back steps of the Convention Hall on Sunday, 7/28/24, at 3pm.

Other Events
Browncoat Hangout and Game Night: We want to meet up to play a few Firefly games and socialize with other Browncoats! If this sounds like you, meet us in the hall in front of the Grand Ballroom (x marks the spot on the map - look for the Jayne Hat when you get there!) 8pm, Thursday night. We have a few locations in mind but it will depend on which spaces are busy at the time, so we're playing a little bit by ear. We will bring some games, but if you have an easy-to-pack favorite, bring it with you!

On Friday, we have an in booth signing with the very talented writer, David Booher, to benefit charity. David has written several graphic novels for the Boom! Studios Firefly series, including All New Firefly and River Run, and we will have some copies of both for sale in the booth, while supplies last. 7/26/24, 12:30 to 1:30, in the CABC booth!
Dr. Horrible Screening and Karaoke Party: You know the drill. Screen the webseries, sing the songs. We have a signup sheet in the booth, or you can sign up in the Hall, but remember, it’s first come, first to rock out, and time is limited. Do not bounce, but DO notice the change in time and location from last year! 7/26/24 8:30 to 10, Room 6A. Tell your friends.

New Merch!
Since we’re focusing on Jewel Staite and her role as Kaylee, we’ve had a lot of merch designed with our favorite ship’s mechanic in mind. Check out these pint glasses designed by Nick Kremenek (also available as a tshirt!!) We also have a new character challenge coin, designed by Zac Pensol. The Feelin’ So Shiny art, by Ria Selvagiio is available as a Journal, a sticker and an enamel pin. We also have a 2 inch wide, velcro backed PVC patch (perfect size for the velcro "merit badge" patch strap on Rollacrit's Messenger Bag of Holding) - we only had one hundred of these made, so get yours early. And if you didn't grab a copy of the remaster of the Serenity Soundtrack, produced by Varèse Sarabande (with 30 never before released tracks) don't worry, we got our hands on a couple (on vinyl AND cd!)
We also have lots of merch from your favorite artists - gorgeous enamel pins, art cards and eye masks from Geek Regeneration. Lanyards, Kaylee patches and hair clips from WashoSaurus, new flasks and coasters from Art of Dave, patches from William Pace and Sean Crowley, plus a cache of previously sold out merch from QMX! Since they’ve shut their doors, a lot of this stuff has become hard to come by - this could be your last chance!
If you made it all the way through this newsletter, know we're grateful for you. Browncoats keep this ship flyin' and doing good works in the 'Verse.
Everything's shiny, not to fret. ❤️