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A Sneak Peek And A Call For Volunteers

Hello Browncoats! We at the CABC are back with some new blood and fresh energy and lots of great news for you.

Wondercon News

If you haven't heard the news, Nancy Holder (co creator of the novel Firefly: Big Damn Hero) picked our supported charity for Wondercon this year. We are very proud to be raising funds for First Book, an organization that provides books and learning materials to students and schools in need.

If you are attending Wondercon and would like to help out, we always need volunteers to man the booth. Just follow this link and fill out our volunteer questionnaire by MARCH 21st and we will get in touch with you! Why volunteer for the CABC? Besides helping to support a truly worthwhile cause, you'll get discounts on merch, hang out with some very colorful folks, and get access to our secret snack hold!

If you don't have time to volunteer, you can still help us support First Book by stopping by the booth and buying some shiny merchandise or playing our charity chopstick game for Fabulous Firefly Prizes!

Speaking of merch, we will have some shiny new things on hand, including our "Bury My Heart At Serenity Valley" enamel pin, designed by Zac Pensol.

Quantities are limited so stop by Booth 1092 and pick yours up before they're gone!

We also have copies of the novel Firefly, Big Damn Hero and the newly released Firefly Encyclopedia!

Flip through this novel and other Firefly stories at Booth 1092

Stop by Booth 1092 and flip through this GORGEOUS book!

Need more enamel pins (who doesn't??) Check out our trio of Kaylee inspired pins from ProphecyGirl.

New enamel pins available at Booth 1092 at Wondercon!

All this and lots, lots more! Stop by booth 1092 and say hi or better yet, volunteer some hours and spend some time getting to know some of the best people in the 'Verse - after all, it gets awful lonely out there in the black.

תגובה אחת

Stephen M.H. Braitman
Stephen M.H. Braitman
07 במרץ 2019

I read "Big Damn Hero" recently. There should be a place where we can discuss this.

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